Thursday, October 1, 2009

Parent and student vertual lesson!!!

Good morning students and parents.
Today we will be learning about addition.
Student do you remember adding in class?
Explain to whoever is helping you how we add when we are in class?

Today we are going to practice our adding two different ways.
Right click HERE and click open in new window to begin!

The first screen you will encounter looks like this:

Please click on the link that follows number 11.
It says Counting Change. This should bring you to a page that looks like this:

Now all you need to do students is to look at the yellow squares and add up the coins in each box and match them with the amounts that are in the green boxes.
(Parents if your student is struggling with the words and need to picture these coins please feel free to take out some change, read the yellow box to them and show them a pile of coins that represents what the yellow box says)
Once you have played at least 4 rounds of the coin game please continue to the next link.

Right click here and select open in new window for the next math game!
When you click on the link it should bring you to the page below:

Next I need to you to clock on the purple addition game button in the second column third from the top.
Clicking on the purple addition button should bring you to a page that looks like the one below:

Press the green go button
Then click the black > play button on the bottom right.
AND begin adding... do a minimum of 15 of these problems before coming back to the blog.


I am very proud of you... If you ever want to practice your math you can come back to Mrs. DeWittes blog and practice.
But remember you much bring a parent with you!

See you in class,
Mrs. DeWitte


  1. great job Sarah! this helps me to get a better picture of what it's supposed to look like!
